Meet contributors
Open LaTeX Studio is an open source project, which means that anyone can help develop, test or participate in improving the application. If you would like to contribute to the project, please check the collaborate document. You may also want to get familiar with the workspace preparation instructions, that make it easier setting up your development environment. This page lists the people, that have spent significant amount of time improving the project, as a sign of appreciation and recognition of their wonderful work!
Project initiator
Sebastian Brudziński
Sebastian is the initiator of the Open LaTeX Studio project. He has received master's degree in computer science from the Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland. Sebastian has got over five years of professional experience in software development. He is also Oracle Certified Professional Java programmer, Professional Scrum Developer and Product Owner.
Geraldo Barbosa Landre
Geraldo is a Professional Software Engineer. He received master’s degree in Computer Science at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, and his professional interests regard back-end development, software integration and software development in general. Geraldo has 9 years of professional experience working with both technical and managerial aspects of software development.
White Hsu
White is a software developer in the Open LaTex Studio project. He has received the Master Degree of Information System and Application from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan. White has got more than 8 years of professional experience in Software Engineering with different aspects, including development, test, management, and consulting.
Retired contributors
Lloyd Galang
Lloyd is a Professional Software Tester from the Philippines. He helped in developing the test structure of Open LaTeX Studio. With 1 year of professional experience in software testing he developed proficiency in Manual Testing, Mobile Testing and Automation Testing using Selenium WebDriver. He is also well versed in creating test cases for Functional Testing, Usability Testing, End-to-End Testing and User Acceptance Testing.